054 Preparing for your fourth trimester? Here are the TWO areas you'll spend your energy

Season #1

There are TWO main areas I recommend you spend your energy as you enter the fourth trimester, so you end up sincerely enjoying it!

The other areas of your life? We'll dive into it in this episode, but unless they're fully supporting you, they'll need a bit of a back seat.

The postpartum period also requires you to set strong boundaries - I know this is a part that many of us can find challenging. But let's be real - your energy is precious - especially with a newborn, where time can be fleeting and they chance so quickly day to day.

This episode helps you prepare for the postpartum in the best possible way, so you know exactly where to direct your focus, time and attention in the lead up and during the first few weeks of life with your newborn.

Ready to anchor in the calm, present, connected Mama you're destined to be?

You'll LOVE my new Masterclass.

In under 90 minutes, you'll learn exactly how to prepare YOURSELF for the fourth trimester so that you protect your mental health and feel emotionally strong and resilient through all the postpartum hormonal shifts and emotions.

The goal is for you to feel connected to yourself, your baby, and the present moment so you ultimately adore the first year with your baby!

Sign up for the Masterclass free here: www.mylighterway.com/masterclass

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