048 An epidural birth story and overcoming postpartum depression (with Zandra Bonick)

Season #1

Are you planning an epidural birth?!

This heart-felt episode highlights Zandra's pregnancy and postpartum journey. Our guest, Zandra Bonick, shares her birth story and how she enjoyed a nap right before her baby was born!

 This epi covers a lot of ground - from a birth story with a planned epidural, dealing with Gestational diabetes, recovering from postpartum depression, and finding your purpose!

Zandra is a Virtual CFO & Strategist for Online Businesses! Did you resonate with her story? Send her a message and let her know @zandrabonick on Instagram.

Are you prone to anxiety, depression, or generally value your health and want to protect your mental health as you become a Mom?

Or, are you already in the postpartum stage and would LOVE a mood and energy boost (even on the nights you were up a whole bunch)?

Join the My Lighter Motherhood Program:


It's the pregnancy and postpartum self-paced program that's all about YOU, your emotional wholeness, and fully enjoying this real life dream you've brought to life.

Presence with your baby is at the top of your priority list. This course supports you to deepen and relax into that.



Thanks so much for listening!

Have epi requests? Send a message to Dr. Emma Nagy @mylighterway on Instagram