047 Two Empowering Hypnobirthing Stories (with Claire Cook from the Natural Mama Podcast)

Season #1

Wondering what hypnobirthing births are all about and what those births actually can feel like?

You're about to hear TWO hypnobirthing stories that have so many similarities, despite happening in different parts of the world to two different Mamas.

Hypnobirthing has sooo many benefits. You're able to work with and trust your body, you're able to stay calm during labour and often feel less pain, and you're even able to process birth in a grounded and empowered way (whether it goes according to plan - or not!!).

I'm joined in this episode by Claire Cook, Host of the Natural Mama Podcast. Claire shares her story of giving birth in Chile, and how she felt confident to advocate and educate herself at just the right moments in her journey, which resulted in a birth experience she is so excited to talk about.

I share my hypnobirthing experience too, and how I'm CERTAIN that without hypnobirthing and the tools and mindset it gave me, I very likely could have experienced trauma with my second birth. Instead, I felt confident, safe, secure, and EXCITED about how my birth went.

If you're ready to feel SO CONFIDENT and in tune with your body during labour, get my My Lighter Birth Mini course:


What was your fave part of this episode?!

Message me, Emma @mylighter way on Instagram and

Claire (Natural Mama Podcast) at https://www.instagram.com/naturalmamapodcast

Claire's Nourish and Flourish Recipe Book:

Brain Boosting Recipes for Blossoming Babies https://thenaturalmamapodcast.com/product/nourish-and-flourish/

Thanks for listening to the My Lighter Way Podcast!! xo