045 Infusing harmony and prosperity into your home with Feng Shui

Season #1

Let's infuse more harmony and prosperity into our homes!! Sounds delicious, right?!

In this episode, manifestation meets Feng Shui, and I AM HERE for this conversation.

I know you'll love it too. Plus, Patricia Lohan - Feng Shui Expert - shares about the topic with theee best energy. I could have talked to her for hours!!

In this episode, we cover:

  • how to set up your bedroom for more harmony and romance in your relationship
  • learn about the house types and if your home is good for people and good for money-use your home as your personal vision board (be mindful of what you're taking in)
  • how kids stuff everywhere isn't bad for fung shui 

Connect with Patricia Lohan - Feng Shui Expert:




If you're currently pregnant and starting to envision what life with your baby will be like, I have two things for you:

1) Download the Envision your Empowered Motherhood guidebook.

This guidebook lets you tap into your own intuition and includes potent journal prompts to get you thinking about this new chapter and what it gets to look like for you. There are 5 prompts in there, and you'll love connecting with your baby and your life together and journalling on this.

Download it free at: www.mylighterway.com/guidebook

2) Register for and receive instant access to my 90 minute masterclass that helps you get crystal clear on what to start doing in pregnancy to manifest your calm, peaceful postpartum experience.

Walk away knowing exactly how to create a motherhood experience that aligns with your perfect blend of baby, business, your relationships, your own wellbeing, travel, and anything else that's important to you that you get to keep in this next chapter.

Know what to start doing so you never lose yourself as a Mom, you find an even better version.

Sign up for the Masterclass and watch it right away!

Go to www.mylighterway.com/masterclass


Thank you for listening!! xo