030 Manifest MORE of what you want in this exact moment

Season #1

What are you calling in at this exact stage of your life?

What do you want your days in pregnancy or with your littles to be like?

How do you want things to feel with your partner?

What adventures to you want to go on?

In today's episode I'm going to share what I'm manifesting in my life right now, and share some of the exciting quantum leap style manifestations that have popped into my life right now, all by getting clear on what I want and opening up to the possibility for miracles and exciting surprises to unfold!

I also share about my journey of manifesting pregnancy and the challenges and lessons I learned along the way, and how I was able to tap into my own self-connection to bring more lightness into each stage (even the hard moments).

Tell me - what are you calling in?! Send me a DM so I can celebrate with you!! You're never a bother - I adore hearing from you


Join My Lighter Motherhood:


My Lighter Motherhood:  Your one way ticket to experiencing a lighter fourth trimester! This is the prenatal course that's not about baby at all - it's about YOU! Nurture your own mental health and energy in pregnancy. Create empowering beliefs about motherhood. Experience more ease and calm in the newborn stage.

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Listen to the Mind Your Business Podcast episode I was on with James Wedmore, and hear me cry and laugh and feel so much excitement about the momentum growing in my business: https://www.mindyourbusinesspodcast.com/blog/620

Episode 620: Breakthroughs in Business Coaching Session: Creating Connection, Visibility and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Emma Nagy www.mindyourbusinesspodcast.com


Thanks for listening my friend!!