013 My super empowering-feeling birth story (that didn't go according to plan!)

Season #1

Here is a gem to add to your rolodex of super-empowering birth stories!

My second birth didn't go according to plan. But I still felt confident and empowered at every step of the journey (and in processing my birth).

I strongly believe that sharing empowering feeling birth stories are SO important since we have received so much conditioning around birth (think of all the movies you've seen in your life and how they portray birth). While birth trauma is huge issue, I believe there are ways to decrease (not prevent entirely, but decrease) the chances we will experience trauma in birth.

Listening to empowering birth stories might seem like a cute/rose-coloured-glasses thing to do, but it's SO much more than that. Listening to empowering birth stories reshapes beliefs. It lets us know what's possible. It shows us there are other ways! Stories lock in our empowering beliefs even further. So I am SO excited to share mine, and how it is so so possible to feel super confident and empowered about birth EVEN if some things don't go along with your preference sheet ;)

Know that baby and I were both safe in this story. That's important for you to know going in. And also know that YOU know yourself best. If you are/may be triggered around hearing unpredictability around birth, this episode *may* not be for you. Trust yourself and seek the info/support/wisdom that resonates with you!

If you know it'll feel empowering to you to hear a birth story that felt exciting and like an adventure (BECAUSE it didn't go according to plan), this could be one of your fave additions to your list of empowering birth stories!!

Message me with your biggest takeaway and the thing about birth that shifted for you @mylighterway on instagram.

If you want to step into birth feeling empowered and fully confident on a mind, body and soul level and create that last boost before you go into labour, send me a message!

Choose your adventure:

3 weeks to flow in chit chat with personalized mini-teachings from me 


A potent 2 hour session where you'll receive a fun and relaxing blend of teaching and intuitive girl chats to lock in your amazing energy even more.

Intro price for this brand new offer is $333.

Message me on instagram for details!
