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034 They say "Babies don't come with a manual"... but what if they did?
Currently expecting and wish your baby came with a manual so you could figure out what to do in the middle of the night when you've tried all the things and they're still crying?
Or you are thinking ahead to all the...
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033 Preparing yourself emotionally IS the best way to prepare for birth (With Chelsea, Owner of Childbirth Kingston)
The best way to prepare yourself for birth?
It might not be what you think! (Although the title is a total giveaway about what is).
In this episode, I'm joined by Chelsea, Doula and Owner of Childbirth Kingston, and...
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032 A Peek Inside My Diary at 18 Weeks Pregnant with my First Baby
Really... a peek inside my actual diary.
I cherish this entry and the mindset that time gifted me.
Choose your inspired actions from this epi:
1. Grab a journal and write exactly how you're feeling right now at this...
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031 How to reduce birth fear using hypnobirthing: With Charmaine Hamp
Have you heard the word Hypnobirthing floating around, but not exactly sure what it is?
I'm joined by special guest, Charmaine Hamp, Hypnobirthing Coach and Doula, who shares what hypnobirthing is and how it can be a...
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030 Manifest MORE of what you want in this exact moment
What are you calling in at this exact stage of your life?
What do you want your days in pregnancy or with your littles to be like?
How do you want things to feel with your partner?
What adventures to you want to go...
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029 Give yourself the gift of better mental health in pregnancy with Spark Mamas
When you think of your baby registry, do you think of all the cute and practical things you'll need for baby?!
Chelsea and Amber, therapists who founded Spark Mamas, have some innovative and impactful gift ideas that...
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028 Get Clear on Your Birth Preferences and Reduce Anxiety Around Birth
In this jam-packed epi, you're going to learn all about birth preferences (and why exactly they're sooo much better than a birth plan), and how to reduce anxiety around your upcoming birth.
I'm joined by Jazmin Edie,...
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027_Prepping your pelvic floor for birth with PT Cassie Dionne
Cassie Dionne, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist and Owner at Innova Physiotherapy joins me today to talk ALLLL about the things you need to know to prepare your pelvic floor for birth. There's quite a bit you can do to...
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026 What thoughts can REALLY pop through our heads when our newborn cries?
What types of thoughts, feelings, and reactions might you expect at 2 am when your baby cries?
What frequency can you tap into, to respond from a calm energy?
How can you transmute moments of anxiety into your strong...
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025 What the tired newborn days really feel like and what you can do about it in the moment
What types of thoughts, feelings, and reactions might you expect in the sleep deprived early days?
How can you transmute this into your strong inner confidence to handle the potential stress and unknowns that this...
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024 Creating your ideal blend between baby and business with Lauren Ricks
Mama and Entrepreneur, or dabbling with the idea of adding another income stream to your life?!
You'll love this chat with Lauren Ricks, who is an expert in helping Mamas create offers that pull YOUR unique skills and...
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023 Listen to this to smash limiting beliefs about traveling with babies!
Hoping to travel with your baby, toddler, or children in the future?!
Tired of people saying "travel now, because once you have kids, you'll have to give that up for ten years"?!
This epi is for you!!
In today's epi...
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